The National Body of Iota Phi Theta®
From its inception, Iota Phi Theta has always recognized the need for strong, effective leadership at every level of the organization. Iota Phi Theta's national governing body is The Grand Council.
The Grand Council is responsible for the governance of the fraternity between National Conclaves, which occur biennially. There are two nationally-elected officers on the council as well as Regional Polari, which are elected by their respective regions. The Grand Polaris also appoints additional Grand Council members to serve in staff-related roles.
The Fraternity also has a Board of Directors which consists of elected members from each region as well as Executive Members, who are individuals who have previously served in the capacity of either Grand or Grand Vice Polaris.
The fraternity is divided into seven regions, each of which is administered by a Regional Polaris. Each Regional Polaris is elected by his respective region. The Regional Polari are also members of The Grand Council.