That phrase is heard time and time again within the Brotherhood of Iota Phi Theta and it is one of our rallying points. Although it is slightly outdated, as Iota Phi Theta has moved away from “pledging” to a “Brotherhood Intake Process”, the spirit is still the same. Quite simply, the process you undergo before becoming a Brother is secondary to the responsibility you accept once you become a Brother.
Basic Eligibility Requirements:
Membership in Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. is divided into two main categories: Collegiate (members currently attending colleges and universities), and Alumni (members who have completed their undergraduate education).
- Collegiate membership in Iota Phi Theta is limited to college men who are actively working toward obtaining a baccalaureate degree at a recognized college or university. Potential candidates should have completed at least one grading period and have obtained a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA based on a four-point scale;
- Alumni Membership in Iota Phi Theta Fraternity is limited to professional men who have earned a baccalaureate degree or other degree from a recognized college, University or Military Service.
- Candidates for membership in Iota Phi Theta Fraternity must apply to a chapter in the region where they reside, based upon the terms and conditions outlined in the Fraternity’s membership intake and development process.
- In addition, a Background Check is required by all new initiates.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible for me to become a member of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity if I attend an accredited four year college or university that do not have a Chapter?
Yes. A nearby graduate chapter in your college community willing to sponsor you can recommend you to the Regional Polaris for membership. Use the Chapter Locator to identify nearby graduate chapters and contacts.
What is the process of chartering an Iota Phi Theta Fraternity chapter on my campus?
Contact the SD State Director and Regional Polaris for information concerning the possibility of chartering a chapter on your campus. You can use our Contact Form to assist you in this venture.
May I seek membership if I am or was a member with another Fraternity?
If that Fraternity belongs to the National Pan-Hellenic Council or National Pan Hellenic Conference, you are ineligible for membership with Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated. Individuals who falsify applications will have their membership revoked and will be expelled from the Fraternity.
Who Is The Background Check Provider?
Iota Phi Theta is proud to partner with InfoMart, to provide its background checks.